News, Press Release

2016 Grand Chess Tour Statement

Grand Chess Tour Media Contact
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For immediate release

2016 Grand Chess Tour Statement

Saint Louis, USA, Thursday 7 January, 2016 – The Grand Chess Tour is pleased to announce that the tour will take place again in 2016. The tour will comprise a minimum of three tournaments which will be announced shortly. Player invitations will be issued by the end of January.

Tournaments confirmed so far are the Sinquefield Cup in August and the London Chess Classic in December. The prize fund is expected to be similar. GCT rules will be amended in the light of the experience in 2015. The GCT is pleased to announce the appointment of David Sedgwick as Chief Arbiter for the GCT in 2016. For more information and details of the Grand Chess Tour results and final standings in 2015 as well as the schedule for 2016 please visit

About the Grand Chess TourĀ (

The Grand Chess Tour is a circuit of international events, each demonstrating the highest level of organization for the world’s best players. The Tour was created in partnership between the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis (Sinquefield Cup) and Chess Promotions, Ltd. (London Chess Classic). The legendary Garry Kasparov, one of the world’s greatest ambassadors for chess, inspired the Grand Chess Tour and helped solidify the partnership between the organizers.

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